Personalised care in pancreatic cancer workshop

9th June 2022, 09.00 - 11.00, virtual via Zoom

This free virtual workshop for healthcare professionals explored personalised care for pancreatic cancer patients and what best practice in this area might look like.

Delivered by Georgia Papacleovoulou, Health Intelligence and Improvement Lead, Pancreatic Cancer UK and Steph Gooder, Lead HPB CNS, Stepping Hill Hospital, Stockport, this workshop look at what personalised care is and why it’s needed as well as exploring what it could look like in the future.

View the recording and slides

What did this session cover?

  • 09.00 – 09.20: Welcome, overview of the Optimal Care Pathway initiative and patient reported issues – Georgia Papacleovoulou, Health Intelligence and Improvement Lead, Pancreatic Cancer UK
  • 09.20 – 09.40: What is personalised care and why? Our practice in Stockport – Steph Gooder, Lead HPB CNS, Stepping Hill Hospital, Stockport
  • 09.40 – 09.45: Short break
  • 09.45 – 10.45: Group discussions
    In small breakout groups, we will discuss the following areas, including current practice, what is and isn’t working well, what best practice might look like, any barriers and potential solutions, and the role of the wider clinical community in delivering these.
  • 10.45 – 11.00: Consensus polls, next steps and close

Who is this session for?

This workshop was designed for UGI / HPB CNSs and other Allied Healthcare Professionals working closely with pancreatic cancer patients such as dietitians, cancer care co-ordinators, patient navigators etc.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at

This event is supported by