Your care

We explain how to get the care and support you need if you have pancreatic cancer.

The healthcare system can be confusing and it can be difficult to work out how to get the care and support you need. In this section we explain the care you may expect at hospital and in your own home.

Key facts

Doctor talking to male patient

Your medical team

Find out about the health professionals who will be responsible for your treatment and care.

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Woman speaking to a doctor at her medical appointment

The care you should expect and receive

Everyone with pancreatic cancer should expect a good standard of care. There are certain guidelines for cancer care across the UK that doctors should take into account.

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Palliative and supportive care

This is care that aims to help people with cancer that can’t be cured live as well as possible, for as long as possible. It provides specialist care to manage symptoms, and emotional, practical and spiritual support. It is not just for people at the end of their life.

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A nurse talking to couple

Healthcare at home

You may need to access community health services if you are being cared for at home.

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If you have concerns about your care

There are several organisations that offer advice and support in making complaints.

If you have concerns about your care
Royal Victoria Hospital

Specialist centres

Find your local specialist pancreatic cancer centre. This is a hospital where there is a team of medical professionals who specialise in pancreatic cancer.

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Private healthcare

We cover some of the key things to think about if you’re considering private healthcare for pancreatic cancer.

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May 2024

To be reviewed May 2027