The care you should expect and receive

This information explains the standards of care everybody with pancreatic cancer should have while they are being diagnosed and treated.

If you have just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer you may feel there is a lot to take in. Your diagnosis can have a huge impact on you and your family and friends. Your medical team should explain your diagnosis and treatment options, and involve you in discussions about your care.

There are guidelines for cancer care across the UK. For example, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have produced guidelines for pancreatic cancer care in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Doctors don’t have to follow these guidelines in all situations, but they must take them into account.

Use the information in this section as a guide to what you should expect. It can help you talk to your doctors and nurses about your treatment and care. And you can use this to speak to your doctors if you feel you are not getting the care you should have.

Read our booklet about the care you should expect

You can download our booklet, What to expect from your care if you have pancreatic cancer.

You can also order a printed copy.

Order the booklet
Front cover of the booklet showing picture of a doctor consulting and the title of the booklet 'what to expect from your care if you have pancreatic cancer'

Questions about your care?

If you have any questions about the care you should expect, talk to your doctor or nurse. You can also talk to our specialist nurses on our Support Line.

Speak to our nurses
Pancreatic Cancer Nurse Jeni Jones

Updated August 2020

Review Date March 2024

The care you should expect and receive: Patient Charter is endorsed by: