Speak to our specialist nurses
If you have any questions about accessing care or managing symptoms towards the end of life, you can speak to our specialist nurses on our free Support Line.
It is important that people with pancreatic cancer who are approaching the end of their life receive the right support and management of symptoms.
You should receive well-coordinated palliative care. Palliative care aims to relieve any symptoms you may have, including pain, nausea and fatigue, as well as making sure you get the emotional, physical, practical and spiritual support you need.
Your palliative care should be properly coordinated and provided by specialist professionals. Your hospital team or GP can refer you to your local palliative care services, so that you can get a full range of support and services at home. As part of this care, you should be given the opportunity and support needed to develop a care plan based on what matters to you.
Who provides your care after you leave hospital will depend on your needs and local services, but may include your GP, a district nurse, your local hospice or a specialist palliative care team. Any end of life care you have should be properly arranged and coordinated, so that you know what to expect and have the support you need.
You should have access to specialist palliative care advice when you need it. You should be given a key contact you can reach any time you need help or advice. Speak to your doctor or nurse about local palliative care services and how to access them. You may also have access to a hospice helpline.
Your family should also be given information about services where they can access support.
If you have any questions about accessing care or managing symptoms towards the end of life, you can speak to our specialist nurses on our free Support Line.
Updated August 2020
Review Date March 2024