Why I volunteer

Connie shares her motivation for volunteering for Pancreatic Cancer UK and how it gives her a great sense of achievement.


My name is Connie Rafferty and I live in Hawick in the Scottish Borders. I have recently graduated from Glasgow University, and I studied BSc Hons Veterinary Biosciences. I love working with animals, and really enjoy running in my spare time.

What I do

I became involved with the charity because of my friend Jenna’s mother becoming ill with pancreatic cancer, and sadly losing her battle in September 2020. I decided to raise awareness through running, and took part in the ‘Challenge 24’ fundraiser, and ran ten kilometres a day for 24 consecutive days. I managed to raise £12,130 for the charity, and continue to raise awareness through social media. I was also interviewed by my local radio station and talked through symptoms, support and how to get involved with Pancreatic Cancer UK.

Why I Volunteer

I want to educate people about the symptoms of pancreatic cancer, as well as raising awareness. I find this rewarding and thoroughly enjoy engaging with others. My main motivation for volunteering is Jenna, and her family. I want them to know her mother, Elaine, was not a statistic, and I will still fight for survival.

How it makes me feel

I feel a great sense of achievement when I pull on my purple t-shirt; I feel I am giving those affected by pancreatic cancer (both patients and their families) a voice. I think it is so important to unite in times of difficulty, and the team at Pancreatic Cancer UK provide a wonderfully warm and comforting environment. I feel pride at being able to help. Everyone can make a small change.

If you would like to find out more about our current volunteer opportunities contact us at getinvolved@pancreaticcancer.org.uk