Policy & campaigning

Policy & campaigning

Our meeting with Jo Churchill, Cancer Minister for England

30 April 2021

An update on our meeting with Jo Churchill, the Cancer Minister, about the impact of the pandemic on pancreatic cancer.

Emily Waller
Policy & campaigning

APPG on Pancreatic Cancer launches new report on the impact of COVID-19

13 April 2021

Emily from our Policy and Campaigns team blogs about the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Pancreatic Cancer's new report and what we've been doing to ensure the impact on people with pancreatic cancer is not ignored. 

Policy & campaigning

Why Wales Needs a Long-Term Plan for Cancer

31 March 2021

Head of Policy, Intelligence and Campaigns, Danni Manzi explains why Wales needs a Long-Term Cancer Strategy now, more than ever.

Policy & campaigning

Our open letter to Jo Churchill, Cancer Minister for England

11 February 2021

An open letter to Jo Churchill, the Cancer Minister, raising our concerns about how COVID-19 is impacting pancreatic cancer treatment and care.

Policy & campaigning

Pancreatic Cancer UK’s position on the COVID-19 vaccine prioritisation

21 December 2020

We believe it is essential, that palliative pancreatic cancer patients are given reasonable priority in receiving the COVID-19 vaccine

Policy & campaigning

NHS England publish National Cancer Recovery Plan for cancer services

16 December 2020

We comment on NHS England's National Cancer Recovery Plan, which aims to restore cancer services post pandemic

Policy & campaigning

Scottish Government publish new action plan for cancer services

9 December 2020

Pancreatic Cancer UK's Head of Scotland, Dawn Crosby, comments on the Scottish Government’s Cancer Recovery Plan

About us

World Pancreatic Cancer Day – a day to reflect and demand a better future

19 November 2020

Pancreatic Cancer UK Chief Exec, Diana Jupp, celebrates 3 years at the charity and writes on her 3rd World Pancreatic Cancer Day

Policy & campaigning

Our memberships

Policy & campaigning

Spearheading the Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce

4 November 2020

Pancreatic Cancer survival rates have not changed in 50 years. We knew that if we were to make the decision makers listen, we would have to make our voices louder.

Policy & campaigning

The 2019 Star Awards

Policy & campaigning

Why is data on pancreatic cancer important?