Health professionals
Presentation from Diabetes & Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer Regional Study Session – South West Peninsula
All Wales Webinar on Pancreatic Cancer
Presentations from Supporting patients with pancreatic cancer
Book your place: Diabetes & Pancreatic Cancer
Book your place: Supporting patients with pancreatic cancer
Diabetes & Pancreatic Cancer
Supporting patients with pancreatic cancer: for health care professionals working in supportive roles
Symptom management resources for health professionals
Learning and development
2020 has done a very good job of derailing everyone’s plans. That includes our grand plan to deliver an assortment of face-to-face training and events across the UK to connect, develop and inspire more pancreatic cancer health professionals. Bur we embraced the digital world and adapted our events for a virtual audience.
A thank you to health professionals
This Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, we want to acknowledge, thank and celebrate every health professional who has been working tirelessly treating, supporting and caring for everyone affected by pancreatic cancer.
Improving Outcomes Now: A look at our Virtual Annual Summit Sessions 2020
A summary of the highlights from this year's sessions exploring chemotherapy, nutritional care and the pathway from diagnosis to treatment.