15341 people have signed. Help us reach 30,000.

We’re facing a pancreatic cancer emergency – half of people diagnosed die within 3 months.

For decades, pancreatic cancer has been left behind, receiving just 3% of the UK cancer research budget.

Survival rates for leukaemia have quadrupled thanks to significant and consistent investment into research. We know that the right level of funding can change everything. Now is the time to make this happen for pancreatic cancer.

Research is the key to saving lives. If you think that people with the deadliest common cancer deserve an equal chance to survive, stand with us today. Together, our voices will be so loud they can’t be ignored.

Demand Survival Now.

Yes, I’ll demand survival now

✓ I demand that the government commits to ensuring at least £35m goes into pancreatic cancer research every year for at least 20 years

With your voices behind us we will write to the Cancer Minister to demand survival now for people with pancreatic cancer.

Sign now. We'll send a free pin badge to say thank you.

We’ll send you a free pin badge to say thank you and so you can raise awareness of pancreatic cancer.

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My dad died of pancreatic cancer before he could watch his grandson grow up. Survival rates have barely changed for decades. This has to change.

Leah, whose dad died of pancreatic cancer