Frequently asked questions

Here we answer any questions you may have.

What does official charity of the year mean? 

Each year the TCS London Marathon works with an official charity partner. We’re super excited to be the Charity of the Year for the London Marathon 2025.  

Before the day

How do I get in touch with the team?  

We’re here to support you and answer any questions you may have, just contact us via email at or call us on 020 3535 7090 and choose option 2. 

I’ve been asked to complete a final registration: do I need to compete this if I have a place with you?   

To confirm your charity place you will need to complete a final registration form sent by the event organisers. This is a short form which is how you tell the TCS London Marathon organisers that you are taking part. We’ll send you an email reminder to complete this as it is very important.  

Can I defer or transfer my place?  

If you can no longer take part in the TCS London Marathon, please let us know and we can discuss with you your options.   

How do I get my race pack?  

TCS London Marathon do not post your running number and time chip. You will need to collect your race pack from the Running Show at the London ExCel Centre. This is opened between Wednesday 23rd to Saturday 26th April 2025.   

I can’t go to the running show, how can I get my running number?  

If you can’t attend the running show, you can organise someone else to go on your behalf. They will have to take photo ID, a copy of your photo ID, the QR code sent to you, and a signed letter confirming you are happy for them to collect your race pack for you. If you have any concerns or questions about picking up your race pack or don’t have anyone to collect this for you, please contact us.   


When and where are the training day?  

Our professional running coach Phil will host 2 Pancreatic Cancer UK training days for us all to meet and train together as a team. They will be based in London. 

We’ll be also hosting virtual training sessions every month from November with Phil to support your training.   

I am struggling with my training what should I do?   

Training for a marathon can be tough. But don’t worry, you’re not alone! Our running coach Phil is here to help you with all your training needs. Whether you need help getting started, advice on nutrition, or tips on injury prevention, he’s got you covered. You can reach out to him with any questions you have or attend one of our training support sessions!   

Marathon Day 

Where is the start/finish line? 

The iconic TCS London Marathon route will take you through the city, starting at Greenwich and finishing on Pall Mall! TCS London Marathon Events will be sending you an email with your start wave area nearer the time. 

To check out the full route click here  

Can I start in the same wave as my team?  

Unfortunately, we can’t control the start waves and times to put teams together, these are organised by TCS London Marathon. However, it is still possible for you to run together if you are assigned the same colour. Whoever is in the earlier starting wave will need to move back to join the later wave. It’s not possible to move forwards to an earlier wave.   

Will you be there on the day?  

We’ll be there to support you on the day from start to the finish! On the day we will be at the start for a team photo, multiple cheer points along the route and an amazing post-race reception at the end to celebrate your achievement together.   

We will be sending all the locations to you on email!  

Do we meet up at the start together?

We’ll be there at the start of the race for a team photo! We’ll be sharing the details of where and when nearer the time.   

Where is the best place for my friends and family go to see me run?  

We would recommend your friends and family joining our cheer points along the route, as we’ll have Pancreatic Cancer UK branding and flags, so it makes easier to spot them when running. We would also recommend you meeting them at our Post-Race Reception when you have finished.  


How much do I need to fundraise?   

We ask charity place runners to fundraise a minimum of £2,500, we’ll be here to support you every step of the way to reach this target.  If you are taking part in the TCS London Marathon MyWay we ask for a minimum pledge of £250. 

If you have your own place through the ballot, your workplace or a deferral there is no minimum fundraising, but we recommend setting a target. 

What happens if I don’t reach my fundraising target?

We’ll be here to support you every step of the way to reach the target, by sending you helpful tips and advice. If you are struggling with your fundraising or have any concerns, please reach out to the team!   

How do I fundraise the £2,500?  

The first step is to set up your fundraising page and personalise the page with your story. Then it’s time to shout about your marathon! Tell everyone you are taking on this amazing challenge for Pancreatic Cancer UK.  

Another great way to reach your fundraising target is to organise your own event. In the past runners have organised quizzes, gala dinners, car boot sales, charity football matches etc. The options are endless!  

Check out our fundraising hub, packed with lots of top tips and advice on how to maximise your fundraising. 

Where do I pay in my fundraising?  

All donations raised via your Pancreatic Cancer UK online fundraising page will be automatically sent to us. If you have raised money offline you can send them in   

  • By post: please send cheques by post to – Pancreatic Cancer UK, Queen Elizabeth House, 4 St Dunstan’s Hill, London, EC3R 8AD (Please do not send cash through the post)  
  • By phone: please contact us on 020 3535 7090 and choose option 2  
  • By Bank transfer: please email us on for the details   
  • By online donation: You can donate the money on your fundraising page.  

Where does my money go?  

We are dedicated to doubling pancreatic cancer survival rates in the UK by 2028.  All the funds raised from the 2025 TCS London Marathon Charity of the Year partnership will go towards achieving earlier and faster diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. This includes supporting the UK’s best researchers and clinicians to deliver vital breakthroughs and investing in early diagnosis research, including the development of early detection tests.  We are also investing in raising public awareness of pancreatic cancer to help people spot the signs and symptoms earlier and have the best chance of survival.     


What are the rules I need to follow?   

TCS London Marathon MyWay is flexible to you. The only rules are that you must complete the distance from 00.00 to 23.59.59 BST on Sunday 27th April 2025, and it must be completed outdoors.

Can I take breaks when running?  

You can take breaks, you just need to cover the full distance within the 24 hours of Sunday 25th April 2025. If you want to take a break, this is not a problem – just pause your tracker and resume it when you start again. This means your result will be your total elapsed time.  


How do I log my miles?  

You will need to log your miles on the day through the TCS London Marathon App. You can download the Official TCS London Marathon App on the app store or Play store. TCS London Marathon MyWay will release the app soon and we’ll let you know when it is ready for download.

How do I get my medal?  

To get your medal and finishers T-shirt you will need to use the Official TCS London Marathon App to log your 26.2 miles. 

Do I need to complete it on the 27th April?  

You will need to complete the miles within 24 hours of Sunday 27th April 2025.   

However, if you’re unable to take part on 27th April 2025 for religious reasons or you have a disability that means you need more time, you just need to complete your 26.2 miles on the next available day. You’ll have to upload your result manually rather than via the Official TCS London Marathon App, as this service is only available on 27th April. For more information, please contact TCS London Marathon.

If you need more time to complete your 26.2 miles due to a disability, please get in touch with TCS London Marathon Events and they’ll work out a solution to suit you.  

My question was not answered?

if your question was not answered please contact us by email and we will be happy to help.

Get in touch