Respond to the NHS survey today

Thanks to thousands of us who have taken action this crucial year, we’ve got the Government’s attention. Now, let’s make it count.  

The new Government means new opportunities to prioritise pancreatic cancer.

The Department for Health has launched its biggest ever conversation about the future of the NHS.

They’re inviting the public to complete a one question survey  to share your or a loved ones’ experience of pancreatic cancer diagnosis, treatment and care.

Complete the survey

You need to register/sign in, then scroll right to the bottom of the NHS webpage and find the button that says “Share your views” – it’s not too easy to spot.

Remember to mention pancreatic cancer throughout your response, and what needs to change to improve survival.

If you have more time, there is also a longer survey you can complete. See our guidance for the longer survey.

We’ve put together some tips to help you to complete the survey:

Instructions for accessing the public survey


  1. Click on this link:
  2. This information should appear at the top of the page:

    Your experiences: public
    This section of the engagement is for anyone who wants to tell us more about their experience of health and care.
  3. Scroll right to the bottom of this page and you should see a button that says “Share your views”. Click here.
  4. You will be asked to sign up
  5. You’ll be shown the survey question asking for your views:

    Your experiences

    Please use the space below to tell us about a recent experience of health and/or care services in as much or as little detail as you wish.

    This could be an experience where you or a family member accessed care as a patient. Or it could be about the overall performance of the health and care system.

    Please tell us about any positive or negative aspects of your experience and be as specific as you can

Tips for writing your response

  • Refer to pancreatic cancer throughout your response.
  • Where relevant to your answer, please try to include these phrases so pancreatic cancer stands out among the thousands of responses the Government will receive:
    • “Early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer”  
    • “Better treatment and care for pancreatic cancer”
    • “More research into pancreatic cancer”  
  • Share your thoughts in plain language, focusing on the problems and solutions.
  • The consultation asks about the next 10 years – so think about any big, long-term changes you want to see.
  • Think about what would have improved you or your loved one’s experience, and what you think needs to change.
  • Bring in specific personal examples wherever you feel comfortable doing so. This will help to communicate the urgency and seriousness of pancreatic cancer, and why it needs special attention.

Tell us when you’ve completed the survey

Please email with the subject line: “I’ve completed the NHS survey”

The NHS public survey question: 

Quotemarks Created with Sketch.
Quotemarks Created with Sketch.

"Please use the space below to tell us about a recent experience of health and/or care services in as much or as little detail as you wish. This could be an experience where you or a family member accessed care as a patient. Or it could be about the overall performance of the health and care system. Please tell us about any positive or negative aspects of your experience and be as specific as you can."

10 Year Health Plan consultation question

Things you might want to consider in your response:

Early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer

  • Pancreatic cancer is often diagnosed too late.
  • More than half of people die within three months of diagnosis.
  • The Government must guarantee that people with symptoms and risk factors for pancreatic cancer are referred – and fast.
  • If you or a loved one was affected by pancreatic cancer, what were the challenges you faced in diagnosis?

Better treatment and care for pancreatic cancer

  • 7 in 10 people with pancreatic cancer never receive treatment – not even chemotherapy.
  • Everyone should get access to treatment within 21 days of diagnosis and everyone should get the best support and care from expert professionals, regardless of where they live, or their chance of survival.
  • What were the challenges you or a loved one faced in treatment and care?
  • What needs to change over the next 10 years?

Research into pancreatic cancer

  • Right now, there are no tests to help GPs diagnose pancreatic cancer at an early stage. And treatments are limited and highly toxic.
  • We know from other cancers that with the right ambition and funding we can do better. The UK Government needs to invest in pancreatic cancer research to speed up the breakthroughs we need.
  • By 2035, we need to ensure that people are diagnosed early using simple tests, and are given treatments that have been created specifically for pancreatic cancer.
  • Why do you think there needs to be more research into pancreatic cancer?
  • What would you like to have been achieved by pancreatic cancer research in 10 years’ time?

Take me to the NHS survey

Do let us know us when you’ve completed the survey. Please email with the subject line: “I’ve completed the NHS survey”

If you have any questions about how to respond, please email us.

Thank you for standing with us to ask the Government to prioritise pancreatic cancer.

Got more time to drive change?

The Government have also launched a more in-depth survey for people to share their views and ideas about what needs to change over the next decade through their 10 Year Health Plan for England.

If you have some more time to spare, please use our guide to respond.

Respond now
Image of the Houses of Parliament

Are you Health Professional working in pancreatic cancer?

The Department for Health and Social Care is inviting health professionals to feed into the development of their 10 Year Health Plan for England.

Read our guidance for health professionals.

Read our 10 Year Health Plan guidance
Hundred of health professionals support the launch of the Optimal Care Pathway at campaign event

Our response to 10 Year Health Plan consultation

Pancreatic Cancer UK’s response highlights how the system is currently failing people with pancreatic cancer and outlines the actions the government must take to finally turn the tide on this cancer.

Read our response
Drawing of a pencil and checklist