Bringing the Experts Together in a Crisis

How Pancreatic Cancer UK helped to galvanize the clinical community, to ensure they were learning from each other as the coronavirus spread.

Policy and campaigning team
20 August 2020

As you may have seen with our No Time To Wait campaign, the pandemic has had a huge impact on the lives of those affected by pancreatic cancer.

For healthcare professionals working on the disease, it has meant facing enormous challenges too, with expertise and resources being diverted to treating the virus. There has also been the additional threat of vulnerable patients catching coronavirus during treatment. It meant having to learn a whole new way to take on pancreatic cancer.

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“The sheer number of participants and breadth of uptake from the UK is incredible. I think it’s heartening to see the community galvanised to face this challenge.”

Dr Ganesh Radhakrishna

Seeing an opportunity to support the clinical community, Pancreatic Cancer UK have helped to galvanize members to ensure they were learning from each other as the virus spread. A network of 289 researchers, doctors and nurses were brought together to share ideas and best practice through the PCC Network.

As Dr Ganesh Radhakrishna, an oncologist at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, says:

“The sheer number of participants and breadth of uptake from the UK is incredible. I think it’s heartening to see the community galvanised to face this challenge.”

Chris Macdonald Pancreatic Cancer UK’s Head of Research, shared this interview with Ganesh.

The PCC Network: Bringing pancreatic cancer experts together