Speak to our specialist nurses
You can talk to our specialist nurses on our free Support Line with any questions about radiotherapy or clinical trials.
Radiotherapy for pancreatic cancer is usually image guided radiotherapy (IGRT). This means you will have scans or X-rays taken while you are having radiotherapy to check that you are in exactly the right position during treatment.
The different types of radiotherapy all aim to focus the radiation on the cancer and limit the amount of radiation to surrounding organs and healthy tissues. The radiotherapy team will decide which is the best and safest treatment for you.
Clinical trials are medical research studies that involve patients. You could ask your doctor about any clinical trials involving radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy that might be suitable for you. We also have information about current clinical trials for pancreatic cancer in the UK.
You can talk to our specialist nurses on our free Support Line with any questions about radiotherapy or clinical trials.
Updated January 2024
Review date January 2026