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Here you can find news items and blogs by Pancreatic Cancer UK staff and guest writers
Angela’s gift of hope
After Angela was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in August 2020, she used our free Will writing service to ensure her loved ones and the causes she cared about were provided for. Here's her story.
Anne’s gift of hope
Anne chose to leave a gift in her Will to fund research into early diagnosis. Here's her story.
Cambridge researchers to improve treatment options for deadliest common cancer by understanding how it grows
Researchers at the University of Cambridge will use a new cutting-edge laboratory technique to study which proteins cause uncontrolled cell-growth in pancreatic cancer and enable the devastating disease to spread rapidly.
Chemo before surgery shown to improve one-year survival
A new clinical trial has found that chemotherapy before surgery significantly increased the one-year survival of people with pancreatic cancer whose tumour was borderline resectable.
Thank you for raising your voices this November
Celebrating another successful Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
Raising our voices in UK Parliaments
This Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, we held events at Westminster and in Scottish Parliament to demand urgent action on behalf of people living with pancreatic cancer this winter.
Support with the rising cost of living
Find out how to get the support you need to deal with the rising cost of living, from benefits and grants to tips for eating well on a budget.
Over 80% of GPs fear NHS winter pressures will prevent lifesaving cancer treatment
More than 8 in 10 GPs fear that extreme pressures on the NHS this winter will prevent people with pancreatic cancer and other less survivable cancers from having lifesaving treatment, according to our latest poll.
The realities of research
Research into pancreatic cancer has been underfunded and under-resourced for decades, resulting in little improvement in survival rates for this devastating disease. Here’s how we're taking that on.
I would not be where I am today without Rachel’s invaluable help
After a call with Rachel, one of our Pancreatic Cancer UK Support Line nurse’s, Fran, aged 70, was offered dramatically different, life changing, treatment options to those initially offered to her.
Why I volunteer
Sally shares why she decided to start volunteering for Pancreatic Cancer UK following her sister's diagnosis
Unite, Diagnose, Save Lives campaign update
In June, we launched our campaign Unite, Diagnose, Save Lives because doctors still don’t have the tools they need to diagnose pancreatic cancer early enough for life-saving treatment. Here's an update on how that campaign is going.