We’re making some changes to our Discussion Forum this month, and this involves a period of downtime during which it will be inaccessible.
The Forum will be offline from midday on Tuesday 27th April, and will return the morning of Thursday 29th April, looking a little different. If you are a registered user, you will need to reset your password the first time you log in after this date.
We’d like to thank you in advance for your patience during this time. We’re really looking forward to welcoming the community to its new home.
We hope the FAQs below are helpful, but if you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at discussionboard@pancreaticcancer.org.uk.
What changes are you making, and why?
We’re moving the Forum to a more modern platform, which should provide a better user experience and make it easier to keep the community secure.
When will this be happening?
The Forum will be accessible as usual until midday on Tuesday 27th April, when it will be taken offline. It will relaunch in its new form the morning of Thursday 29th April.
What will happen to all my posts and replies?
Please be reassured that nothing will be lost – everything from the current Forum will be moving over to the new site.
Do I need to do anything?
If you don’t have a Forum account and you read the Forum as a guest, you don’t need to do anything.
Registered users
We will be improving the security of the Forum by making sure all registered users have strong enough passwords.
This means you will need to reset your password the first time you log into the Forum on or after Thursday 29th April.
Resetting your password involves being emailed a link. It’s important the email address associated with your Forum account is up-to-date, so you’re able to receive this link.
If you have received an email about the Forum changes, you don’t need to do anything now. You will simply need to reset your password after we move (please see ‘Signing into the new Forum for the first time’, below).
If you’ve checked your Spam/Junk folder and still haven’t received an email, or if you suspect that the email address registered to your Forum account is an old one, please check your Forum account details and ensure your email address is correct by Monday 26th April.
How do I check my Forum account details?
- Log into the Forum in your usual way
- Click User control panel in the top right-hand corner
- Select the Profile tab
- On the left-hand-side, click Edit account settings
- If you need to, update your email address, confirm your password below, and click Submit
Please note, changing your email address will log you out immediately and temporarily deactivate your account. Don’t worry, one of our Support Team will reactivate it for you.
Signing into the new Forum for the first time
The first time you visit the Forum on or after Thursday 29th April, please click ‘Forgot your password?’ in the Sign In panel, which can be found in the top right.
You will be prompted to enter the email address your Forum account is registered with, and you will then be sent an email with a link to reset your password.
What if I need support while the Forum is offline?
Our Support Line is here for you.
You can call 0808 801 0707 or email nurse@pancreaticcancer.org.uk to speak to one of our specialist nurses.