Don’t Write Me Off across the UK

No matter where you live, we've made it easy for you to tell your government: don’t write off people with pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic cancer is a cancer that successive governments have left behind. Survival rates in the UK are the second lowest in Europe, and among the worst in the world.

But our voices count.

If we come together and ask our local politicians to help, we can make a positive different out of all our experiences.

Ask your local politician to take this up with the government today:

I'm in Wales

We are demanding that the Welsh Government fully funds and implements this faster, fairer pathway in Wales.  Read our full report in Welsh.

On 28th February we’ll be in the Senedd to ask MSs to take action to support us.

Will you make sure your Members of the Senedd (MSs) are there?

Yes I'll invite my Members of the Senedd
PCUK supporters meeting with Heledd Fychan (L) and Delyth Jewell (R) at our Senedd Debate for Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month on 6 December 2023

Llwybr Cyflymach. Tecach. Wedi’i Ariannu.

Read our report in Welsh

Download our campaign report in Welsh (PDF)

I'm in England

Please ask your MP to get in touch with the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and tell her: Don’t write off people with pancreatic cancer.


Write to your MP
Image of the Houses of Parliament

I'm in Scotland

Scotland is the only country in the UK that has specifically committed to improving pancreatic cancer survival in its cancer plan.

Now we have an opportunity to make sure the Scottish Government keeps its promise.

Ask your MSPs to contact the Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care.

Email your MSPs now
The Scottish flag flying against a blue sky.

I'm in Northern Ireland

Implementation Northern Ireland’s new cancer strategy is limited until Northern Ireland has a functioning Executive.

In the meantime, please ask your Westminster MP to sign the Early Day Motion calling for a faster, fairer pathway for people with pancreatic cancer.

An Early Day Motion is a kind of petition within Parliament allowing MPs to put their public support for an issue on the record.


Email your Westminster MP now

What we are calling for

Find out what we’re calling for in more depth, including our calls to action across all four UK nations.

Download our campaign report (PDF)

Llwybr Cyflymach. Tecach. Wedi’i Ariannu.

Read our report in Welsh

Download our campaign report in Welsh (PDF)

Our Don't Write Me Off campaign

We’re telling governments across the UK: don’t write off people with pancreatic cancer.

Find out more and sign
Don't Write Me Off campaign logo